Wednesday 18 December 2013

National Trust Campaign 2012

The digital agency e3 has created a social media campaign called 'Great British Day Out' using a specially-created Facebook app. You have to described the day out you’d like to experience,
for example a 60s themed dinner party in Paul McCartney’s childhood home or a rave on a beach with friends, and then invite friends to the party by dropping their photos into the app. Your submitted ‘Great British Day Out’ is automatically sent to all those friends you’ve invited and you can post a link on your Facebook and Twitter pages asking all your friends to vote for you. The 20 most popular ‘days out’ as voted for by the public, plus a number of wildcards chosen by the
National Trust judging panel, the winner gets to have their ‘Great British Day Out’ made a reality.
The National Trust will use Facebook’s Sponsored Stories solution to ensure entrant’s ‘Days Out’
feature prominently in their news feed, combined with Facebook ads, blogger outreach, online advertising and inclusion across Twitter, and Facebook will ensure that the National Trust’s engaged audience of more than 100,000 will make this campaign as viral as possible.
Campaign May 1st 2012
Tristan Pride, creative director for Bristol-based e3, said “Activities that work best in the social environment are ones that are social in essence. That is why this is such an exciting campaign for the National Trust – the very concept is social. The Facebook app helps to create powerful, organic stories for you and your friends to enjoy, discuss and share. We then maximize that with other tools that are available to us such as Facebook’s Sponsored Stories"

Reference: The Drum

Friday 13 December 2013

National Trust Campaigns

Leap's Fresh air campaign for the National Trust.

Since 2004 Leap have advised the National trust onUK wide sustainability and paper policies in 2010 they implemented The fresh air campaign. The objective of the campaign was to encourage people to enjoy fresh air by visiting National trust, parks coast, woodland, and countryside. They wanted to show the National Trust as an enabler; welcoming people to their outdoor space and to share a sense of celebration in the outdoors and of course getting fresh air. Leap chose to create a bright, passionate and active identity utilising the new Trust brand guidelines. They used a rainbow to represent a goal, activity and escapade to be discovered. We are all ways chasing after the end of the rainbow. They also created the supporting marking material, Family planners, online graphics and promotional clothing, and continued to produce ten banners to publicise the event at Trust properties all around the country.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

National Trust brief

One of the selection on offer is the National Trust I have looked through the brief and picked out what I think are the key elements of the brief. The highlight words I have placed in order they appear on the brief and have add a few connecting words so it reading it makes sense.

National Trust Brief

Reintroduce powerful connectors between people and places. Rebuilding connection to a modern audience. Importance of nature and heritage. Elderly equals cream teas. Reposition the National Trust away from its current perceived image. Integrated campaign, nature and beauty forever. Consider, make time for areas of natural or historic beauty. Change perceptions, old fashion benefits people's lives. Think campaign relevance to reach audience. 25-40 years olds nationwide in the UK. Integrated campaign, print, digital experimental. Main deliverable first. Video. 

Having written it out like this seems to have given a clearer under standing of what they are looking for from the brief.  

Monday 9 December 2013

New Brief Ba Live design

We have now been set our new brief. We have to choose one of the following from a list of brief set by D&AD New Blood Awards. ASOS, BBC, D&AD, Digital Cinema Media, National TrustN Power, Unilever, WPP and  XL Recordings.

We have to bare in mind our strong points and  our experience and which project might be approprate for my personal learning and development. If we choose we can work as a team for this brief, however we must present our case to the course leader and get the go ahead.

Key dates

Wednesday 15th January Planning deadline
Wednesday  12th February Crit
Thursday 28th February Deadline

We may also take the opportunity to submit our work to the D&AD New blood Awards, submission by the 19th March 2014

Monday 2 December 2013

Post Crit

This Project is finished and I have to say I am quite happy with the results. There were only a few minor point put forward with regard to changes that could be made. The strongest being the addition of a menu bars on the screen so that you could have a pointer to the hidden sub menu. I had used the device of glasses to indicate reading and if i had though it through from reading the iso7 manual I would have gone with a more reconcilable symbol.  I think this is the most complete design I have done with clear stages of development leading to the end result.

I hope you enjoy it

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Crit visualization

I have been working on the visualization of the storyboards over the past couple of weeks I had to rejig some of my AI files to use them in after effect as sub layers are not accessible ones taken into after effects. Also had to think them down a bit they where carrying to many layers that would not be used in each set of files, ie Doc, Maps, TV, ect.  I have not been happy with my panoramic it seemed to stutter so I have gone back to basic and remade it from scratch. I had been using a screen grab movie in QuickTime as I paned around the screen and then I went to a series of still frames animated in Photoshop. But I still could not get a smooth pan.
Old version of panoramic video
I have gone back to the first thing we did in year one and have created a long photographic panoramic strip. I have also taken out most of the cars and some of the more modern building that where not there in 1963. This I have animated in after effect adding filters to make it look like old movie film.
New panoramic

Thursday 14 November 2013

Story boards

Yesterday we had to hand in our story boards. I felt that creating the different elements would not be a problem. I felt I had a road map to what I wanted to produce. Wrong! Maybe I had not asked the right questions when showing the last lot of designs, or maybe the wrong range of designs.
Four tab layout
The page shown above has four tabs and is the introductory page from this point touching the tab name take you to the content of that tab. I what I had not thought through was how to get back to the introduction it had no tab it only existed at the start. What I simply need was a fifth tab. I was already along way in the creation of art works for the story board. I had to stop and regig every thing This small omission had now created a lot of extra work.
Five tab layout
Thankfully I had a complete set by Wednesday morning.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Further visual developments

I have developed the theme of my app further I have generated more folder images. With the idea of the user testing I have sought more feed back about my designs. Again I presented those I ask with a range of design.
1st of the new designs

I was careful to show these designs in order so I could gauge the reaction to my design path. After using real folders to create texture and coloured back ground I have taken it one step forward, making the page look like it contains folders with the navigation on the bottom.
2nd of the new design

Though this similar to the first I wanted to include it to see if the enhanced stamp look would be of interest.
3rd of the new designs

Playing on the theme of folders I introduced more of a folder look still withe navigation on the bottom.
4th of the new designs

Again expanding on the folder look the content is against folders with the navigation for the first time on the top.

5th of the new designs

Taking the next to me seems like a logical step the folders have become index card with the content on each card.
6th of the new designs

Suddenly late in the game I want to do something different. I felt I had the basic idea of content and navigation I just wanted to see if I could present it in a different way.  Utilising the curve form of the index card to give a separation to the grey and the white. The navigation is now housed bottom right filling what seemed to be a dead area on the page.
7th of the new designs

I created one last design as I was not sure about the curved area. Now I show these new design to gauge a reaction to them. most of the people I spoke to went for the 5th design the felt it had a secret service look to it. I had one very strong reaction to the grey look, with comments that they felt it was a respectful way of displaying the information. All understood the navigation of the 5,6,7, design. Some where not so happy with the earlier designs. I concluded that the 5th design was the one to go for.

Thursday 7 November 2013

User testing

 I have created a number of different looks to my opening page and turned them into card. I have design a set of question to help guide me through the design process.

I want people to put the card in order of preference, the card on the top of the pile that the most like and the card on the bottom indicating the least liked card. Numbering the cards 1 to 5.
Testing cards

1, Which of the cards was the easiest to read.
2, What do you think of when you see the word Maps at the bottom of the card.
3, What do you think of when you see the word News paper at the bottom of the card.
4, What do you think of when you see the word Tv Radio at the bottom of the card.
5, What do you think of when you see the word Doc at the bottom of the card.
6, Do you feel any of the card look like official documents.
7, Why did you put them in the order you did.

Correlating the response.
Depending on the number of people asked there should be an indication as to which background is the most popular. Question1 should indicate which is the easiest to read agist a coloured back ground. Question 2 to 5 should indicate weather they understand the navigation. Question 6 is a leading question and I expect them to answer 5. Question 7 is to illicit some personal feed back about the look and feel.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


Having chosen a theme for my app I have looked around for a font I can use to give the feeling of a rubber stamp. I had initially tried to convert text in a box in illustrator to look like a stamp. This proved to be a long process and I was not happy with the results. On my initial search at dafont website a font called 'Old Stamper' seems to fit the bill perfectly and so I have looked no further. The font seems to be donation ware if the project where to go ahead I would contact the author with regards to rights of the font. However they have left a note indicating what you can do with the font in the download package..

“My Fonts Are free to use personal and commercial works to. But you can't sell them directly.
Please don't make illegal copies of the fonts.
Thankx and regards: Koczman B·lint (Cpr.Sparhelt)”

Illustration © Magique Fonts
The font will not need to be embedded as it will make up part of the art work. The other font I wish to use is American typewriter, this is an embedded font in the ipad system. It will be used as part of the readable a scrollable text.
American typewriter font

Saturday 26 October 2013

Further research in to iso7

I found a few weeks back a web site from a guy called Matt Gemmell here is a distillation of some of the things that I have read in research into app design and iso7.

Matt set out to talk about the difference between iso6 and iso7 give so thoughts into design.
Colour V Boarders, iso7 seems to rely on colours to indicate interactivity and dividers to organise information. Controls are based on labels or icons which are elemental and presented as outlines. He says legibility and calmness are the order of the day, while some are complaining that slender typeface is the default, it may be changed globally for apps that support that feature. Itis obvious that the iso id design to make best use of the retina display.

Iso 7 may have a flat look to it, however there are subtle shadows, gradients and lighting effect and an optional parallax effect allowing the icon floating above the background to appear above the back ground. The focus is on function rather than form. He say table aren't so obviously controls, rather list of things. The strongest difference is the non use of bevels, grip-handles embossing, shadows, fake gloss, inner glows and hard button boarders. 60% of screen real-estate is taken up by these artifacts in iso6 compared to iso7 just look at the interface for receiving a call.

Clean look allows to see more of the callers photo
 The visual weight is much lighter, there is an overall sense of openness. The new icons are are not fussy, distinct and identifiable. He believes it a shift away from artefact back to essence. There is simplicity that brings focus and clarity. He pass his judgement on the over use of well worn toolbox of simulation and explicitness and say ' We too easily forget that the only thing that matters to people are their goals: their own tasks, and content. With limited attention, we want to devote our focus to what’s important, rather than distractions and artifice masquerading as design traditions.'

Thursday 24 October 2013


I have to present my planning for the app this week, this must include wire frames, flow diagrams of the app. The App is about the people who witnessed the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. It is the eyewitness who the story is about. The key elements are who are they, what did they say, where did they live at the time and some period information, ie newspapers and media from the time.

Flow diagram
The app opens with a 360º panoramic of Dealey Plaza viewed from the middle of the road, so the only person you don't see is President Kennedy. This the key interface that takes you to the information about the witness. You can either navigate to the witness page by touching the witness or swiping up from the bottom of the ipad to reveal a list of names. This allows you to take a short cut to the witness info page. From the witness main page you then have four options, newspapers, Original documents, Tv or radio and lastly maps. Newspaper will be a collection of newspaper from the time. You will be able o read only the front covers. The original documents will be copies of witness statements from the time and any other historical documents relating to that witness. Tv or radio will original content that was generated at the time which is either audio or visual. Lastly a map of the area that they lived in and an image of their house to show you some context to their background.

Wire frame.
As you can see in the wire frames presented above The first window is the 360º panorama of Dealey Plaza. After 3 seconds arrows will indicate that you can change the direction of travel. The second window shows the active elements on the screen. These are the witness links to their info page. The third window displays the up swiping of the ipad to reveal the short cut menu. The fourth window is the main witness window, included on this window is the navigation on the bottom. The name of the witness on the top. The bio information in the middle and a place holder for their photograph. The fifth window is the first of the info pages in this case it is the map page layout. The sixth window is news paper layout.

Wire frame two
The seventh window is the video or audio layout. The eights window is the original document layout. Lastly the short cut menu which can appear on all of the info pages so as to take you to any other witness.


I have found quite a few websites that have information about the assignation and will harvest them for content to populate the app. Here are a few to give you a flavour of their content.

Planing for the coming week weeks

13th November hand in of the story boards
Before I will have the design and look clarified. Contents will be gathered. Panoramic will be complete and working.

27th November Crit of our visualisations.
Before I will use the storyboards to generate a working visualisation. And finis ang elements that need tweaking from the submission of the storyboards.

2nd December submission.

All has to be done and dusted will gather all element to populate my sketch book pdf.

Monday 21 October 2013

Reviewing narrative for app

I have been reviewing my choices for the narrative to be used in the app. I have dismissed the linnea book as it already has a strong branding and in one respect I would be reinventing the wheel. The idea of illustrating Richard Feynman would be fun but I think there would be a large learning curve to do with physic and I would not be putting my efforts into understanding the content of the app rather than the design and usability of the app. The same could be said for the ladybird books. Before I make my final discussion and embark on my project I made a small presentation of the life of Alberto Santos du Mont to see if others would find this an interesting subject.

Part of presentation for app

I informally asked people for some feed back after showing them the presentation. The strongest reaction was why have we not heard of this guy. That's interesting. I would like to know more.
Dealey Plaza 1963
I have had an interesting week. from a chance conversation I have decided to go in a completely different direction. I was talking about the idea of collective narrative and had made the suggestion that the people who witnessed the assignation of president Kennedy could make an interesting narrative.  All those people focusing on one event all have many different narratives about themselves and the event. I only have a few day to plan all of this as I have a planing meeting on Thursday.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Icons and tab bars

Apple provide a description of the how they would like icon and tab bars to look. They show example of standard buttons.
Examples of buttons
In keeping with key element of iso 7 a tab bar is translucent and always appears at the bottom of the screen. Must display no more than 5 tabs on the iphone. The tab bar should maintain the same heigh in either orientation.
Tab bar image
Target size of the button. Apple recommend that a size of 44 points, important elements should have a hierarchic. The most important being at the top right hand corner and the least important being at the bottom left hand corner. Using visual weighting is another highlighted aspect. Larger items appear more important than smaller items they catch the eye more quickly and help the use lock on to the element you want them to use first.
The apps icon.
The key element to the the apps icon is the imagery should be easily recognizable in keeping with the iso 7 feel keep it simple and create an abstract interpretation of the app. Make it look good on a verity of back grounds. Icon should be opaque and do not use iso interface elements in the art work and don't use ios app icons in the inter face as this can lead to confusion.
Before and after rounded corners
Size of the icons should be 152 x 152 Retina screens and 76 x 76 for the standard screen resolution.
The icon should have a 90º corners. Apple suggest that you also create an icon for in store display in two sizes 1024 x 1024 pixels and 512 x 512 pixels for their standard resolution.

Ref: MobileHIG pdf from Apple

Thursday 17 October 2013

ipad Gestures

Gestures are the key element for you to communicate with ipad. We learn through repetition and so the gesture. While it is possible to create new gestures apple recommend that you use the gestures inherent in the iso, Apple set a guide lines for the gestures for their devices. Here are the gestures and I will use them in this format except swipe with one finger, this will move an element on the page.
Tap To press or select a control or item.

Drag To scroll or pan—that is, move side to side.
To drag an element.
Flick To scroll or pan quickly.
Pinch Pinch open to zoom in; pinch close to zoom out.
Touch and hold In editable or selectable text, to display a magnified view
for cursor positioning.
Swipe With one finger, to return to the previous screen,
to reveal the hidden view in a split view (iPad only),
With four fingers, to switch between apps on iPad
Shake To initiate an undo or redo action.

Double tap To zoom in and center a block of content or an image.
To zoom out (if already zoomed in).

Monday 14 October 2013

Inital planning ideas


This the start of my planning for my ipad app. I have broken it down into a few elements.


Outline, Key elements.
I will look at the whole story that I am going to turn into an app. Picking out the key elements that will be important enough to warrant either a page or sub-page in the app.

Associated research

Location of story, Period and style of time. Key events. Resources

Location could be a key factor in the narrative. The period and style may give hints to the look and feel of the app. Key events may add some back ground and enhance the story. Resources that can be exploited to add other dimensions to the app, photos, newspapers, sound recordings and videos.

Visual ideas

A good stating point for visual ideas could be the period and style that the narrative is set in. The target audience my hint at a style and feel that would appeal to them and or a combination of both.


What can an ipad do, Current apps, Apples iso guide lines for apps.

Understanding what an ipad can do the types of media it will play its interactivity with the user. Its connectivity, WiFi, Bluetooth and internet may shape the elements in the app. Is their already an app of my idea, what do other apps look and feel like. Are there elements that I could use in my app, navigation and content comes to mind. Lastly what constraints and design considerations have to be look at before creating and designing my app.

Flow diagrams

Flow diagram for an iphone app


I will produce a flow diagram to indicate navigation and headings for content.

Wire frame

Example of wire frame


I will produce a wire frame to show the position and layout of elements on the screen. Where button will sit and their actions. This will not contain any visual content as it is more for position and whats behind the elements and buttons.

Reference Wire frame
                 Flow diagram

Monday 7 October 2013

Story ideas

One of the stories I looked at.

I Had a few thoughts about the story/narrative I might use for this project. My first though was a children’s story and all of the examples already had strong visual elements attached to them. One either had to use a generic story that many people had covered i.e. 'Goldie locks and the Three Bears' and generate a new visual for it, perhaps giving a twist to the story so it could be adapted to this project.

My Second thought for app
I soon left that idea behind the next thought was something that would stimulate me. I have always been a fan of physicist Richard Feynman I thought I could adapt his basic lectures on physics to make an interesting app. 

Cartoon from Vanity Fair
Still in the non fiction area I found a book at home about a Brazilian aviator who flew around the Eiffel Tower in a balloon and designed and built a plane in 1906, becoming the first person to fly in Europe and in public. He is an interesting character and could make a interesting subject for a book.
Ladybird activity books
My last though was to update one of the Laybird books I remember as a child to do with Electricity and Magnetism. Turning the pages into an interactive app.

Sunday 6 October 2013

The ipad

Introduction to the ipad

At this present moment the ipad come in three different basic configurations, extra choices can be the size of internal storage 18gb 32gb 64gb and their connectivity, WiFi cellular or 3G. The original ipad is no longer available, however apple sold 15 million prior to the introduction of the ipad2
Three types of ipad

Screen & resolution

ipad1    9.7-inch 1024x768 resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi)
Mini     7.9-inch 1024x768 resolution at 163 pixels per inch (ppi)
ipad2    9.7-inch 1024x768 resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi)
ipad      9.7-inch  2048x1536 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi)

Therefore all screen have the same aspect ratio 4 by 3.
All have multi-touch display


ipad1    Apple A4
Mini     Dual core A5
ipad2    Dual core A5
ipad      Dual core A6x with quad core graphics.


ipad1    iso 5.1
Mini     iso 6/7
ipad2    iso 6/7
ipad      iso 6/7

Environmental sensors

ipad1    Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, magnetometer,
Mini     Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, magnetometer, gyroscope
ipad2    Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, magnetometer, gyroscope
ipad      Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, magnetometer, gyroscope


ipad1   None

Mini    Back 1080p HD still and video camera 5 MP, 30fps and 5× digital zoom
            Front 1.2 MP still, 720p video

ipad2   Back 720 p HD still and video camera 0.7 MP, 30fps and 5× digital zoom
            Front VGA-quality still and video camera, 0.3 MP

ipad     Back 1080p HD still and video camera 5 MP, 30fps and 5× digital zoom
            Front 1.2 MP still, 720p video


ipad1    Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
             3G cellular HSDPA, 2G cellular EDGE on 3G models

Mini     Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0
             3G cellular HSDPA, 2G cellular EDGE on 3G models
             3G transitional LTE on 4G model

ipad2    Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
             3G cellular HSDPA, 2G cellular EDGE on 3G models

ipad      Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0         
             3G cellular HSDPA, 2G cellular EDGE on 3G models
             3G transitional LTE on 4G model


ipad1    Apple location databases
Mini     Apple location databases GPS GLONASS
ipad2    Apple location databases GPS
ipad      Apple location databases GPS GLONASS

Sim card

ipad1    Apple location databases
Mini     Nano sim
ipad2    Micro sim
ipad      Micro sim


ipad1    30-pin
Mini     Lighting
ipad2    30-pin
ipad      Lighting


Friday 4 October 2013

Assignment Brief

My Fda studies has now transferred into a Ba in digital media design. We now start our new project.


Tablets are become very popular device for interaction with the web and down loaded content. In the first quarter of 2013 Apple sold 19.4 million ipads. With its ability to display and play many types of media it is becoming the devices of choice for most people to use.

Our Brief

We are going to design an interactive story/narrative for the ipad. We can take an existing short story or narrative and adapt it to be interactive. This can be aimed at any target audience and can be fictional or non fictional . We must consider my target audience and evidence this in this blog. I will prepare and visualize my story so that a developer can interpret my design and do the necessary coding. I will include wire framing (flow diagrams) and story boarding my app with details and events that need to take place on each page. My story board can be had drawn/painted style initially, however I must produce a story board using digital methods. Lastly I will need to produce a dynamic visualization of my story in order to pitch and demonstrate how it will work sowing detailed examples of animated content.

Technical considerations

I will have to consider usability and user experience involved in designing for the ipad. I will produce samples of user testing hand outs/ questionnaires and will produce evidence of technical options and constraints that the developer of such an app might encounter. Taking into consideration iso guidelines what are the difference for designing for this medium how do I tackle various the different screen sizes the ipad come in. All of this evidence will be provided in this blog.

Important dates

Thursday 24th October – Deadline for planning
Wednesday 13th Nov pm Deadline for storyboards – complete and final hand-in
Wed 27th Nov pm Crit
Mon 2nd Dec Deadline

Wednesday 22 May 2013

After thoughts

Yet again I think I have learned a lot from doing this project. I feel I know more about illustrator than I ever did before. I feel more comfortable using After Effects. I enjoyed seeing the work of others and sometime thought that was a good idea why did I not think of that. I liked the idea that if at first thing don't work out if you try something good can come out of an unexpected event.  PS I like the work I have produced for this project.


It seems to have been a very long project. I always look forward to Crit This time it was some how different.  Val was able to come in and see our completed work. she felt their should be a few minor tweaks to the video I presented. At the begin there is 10 frames of the still image before it zooms and pans to the clock face. she felt it should start quicker. All the images that are embedded in the segments of the clock should all have the same horizon. When the logo comes out of the last segment it should look like it is embedded in the clock , the same as the other images.
This is the final version submitted version 21
When I submitted the final version of this video. I used generic news music from Garage band as it had the right kind of ending. I also gave two version one with the logo embedded and one with the logo embedded with a red back ground as the example.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Presention of News intro

I had a good class with Chris last Wednesday and showed him my video of the clock faces. He could see that there was a germ of an idea and as we talked about the things he was not so keen on in the video I developed the idea of the clock face showing element of events in Brighton. In the few days before we had another meeting with Val I retouched a high resolution image of the clock face to get rid of the rags combined it with the still image I had taken  down loaded videos from Latest Tv  and placed them on the clock face and created a new video for Val to see.
Clock tower video for presentation 
Val and Kate's response was quite positive. They suggested I remove the sweeping shot at the begin, fill in the rest of the segments. Not have the clock face twist into the logo.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Try and Try again

I had set aside Tuesday the 7th to shoot the clock tower. I got up early caught the train to Brighton took a few shoot of the train station before walking down to the clock tower
and this is what I saw when I got there.
Clock tower
Somebody had cover the Clock tower in rages as part of an art installation this kinda killed my idea there and then. I retired for a coffee and a think I still like the idea of time so I took a long walk to Hove town hall to photograph the clock and any clock i could see on the way. I spent the day photographing as much as I could and then went home to sort out the mess I had now got my self in.
I created this video from the days photography to show my new idea and to see if it was the basis of a good idea.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Another News idea

I have had my doubt about my line of thinking with regard to the video I created for the news idea. I knew it before I even asked the opinion of other. In a nutshell the ideas to messy to much going on I need the idea to be simple. I want the idea to show the passing of time and the day as well as some reference to the area.
One day around the clock tower
I have come up with the idea of filming the clock tower in Brighton through out the day moving round the clock tower as the day passes then putting all the little bits of film to give the feeling of traveling round the clock tower in continuous motion with the whole day passing by. I made a ruff video using images from Google.
Bexhill clock tower work out.
In preparation I have worked out that I need to divide the clock tower in to 18 segments and shoot over 12 hours. I plan to start at 8 am an finish at 8pm. My intention is to shoot 10 seconds of video every hour but shoot one complete circuit. I have had a dummy go with the local clock tower.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

The News intro

Now that the channel ident has been submitted I can fully concentrate on my news program. I have identified the key themes that make up news intros.
A lot of channels use radiating rings to use as wipe to introduce images.
The walk through where images are shown of people in up and coming broadcast.
Point to point this is where the image has place names linked by lines new with new names added
Lastly a globe motif are used either the world or in the case of local news a sphere.
Most intros last between 7 and 10 seconds. with that in mind I have experimented with these elemnts and added the idea I had of the shadow images to create this video.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Finishing up ident work

This coming Monday we must submit our ident packages. I had a small but important break through. All of my animation ident was created using illustrator files in after effect. I could not understand why the final outputted image was so unsharp, I knew I must have been doing something wrong some ware down the line. I retraced my steps made sure that the Ai files where RGB and gave them a 300dpi setting. Still no difference it must be some thing in after effects after some internet searching I discovered that I had to check Continuously Rasterise this meant all Ai files would be sharp at any size.
Continuously Rasterise
The second thing that was a big help was to output a video with an alpha channel. This would allow me to generate my lower thirds and they could be directly played over a live image. The only draw back was that the files are uncompressed and so a few second can generate very large files.
Example of my lower third using alpha channel to drop in video.

For  my complete package I have submitted 5,10, 12, second version. I have done this by adding or subtracting locations. My flying post card has been adapted as  a coming up next and a logo to be used as a lower third. Lastly a new version of my running man.
The 10 second Bike video

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Monday Pitch

This Monday we were going to pitch our program ideas to Val Aviv, due to other commitments her time with us was short. She only wanted to see our finished idents. I showed the complete version with new bike and post card. After the presentation I asked Andrew who had been taking note if he could provide a summary of what she said. I found it very hard to remember how she felt and her suggestions as to what tweaks I might make. Val said she liked the beginning of the rough version shown at the original presentation. She was happier with the new ending but felt the card should spin in a different way as well as having the logo inside a stamp rather than sitting on the cardand losing the black line of the card at the end. There was some discussion about different massages on the card and whether the messages space could be blank and the message added later.
1st version of bike video
I also showed the second concept video of the running man. Val's reaction was she like the concept and that it looks very different, I assume she meant from the animation and felt the logo did not blend in with their backgrounds and she preferred the other logo I had used. She suggested that it could be used a head of  an upcoming who done it type program.I had created a piece of music using Garage band and added to the finished film.
 The Running man video

It was unfortunate that Val's time with us was short as I felt I would have been able to discus the changes easier on a one to one basis rather than across a room full of other students. After our meeting in discussion with Andrew I expanded on the concept and he added some other avenues I might like to explore for example runners instead of bike, other locations in Brighton, Seven dials, Viaduct on London road, Palmeria and Adelaide Crescent. I now have many more idea to think about.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Completing idents

This last week has been a combination of finishing up our theory essay and completing the idents so Val can see them on Monday, the meeting is primarily to see the presentation of our individual programs and see work in progress for the finished idents.

New drawings for animations
I have finessed my bike idea, I have created a complete bike and a series of back drops for it to sit against. Buildings include the Pavilion, Brighton pier, a new version of the Big wheel which now sits on a stand. I am also thinking of location on the edge of the transmission area. This will include the race course and Shoreham airport. I have had a thought of expanding the idea changing the bike for a seagull which fly's over various locations. At the moment I have the Pier, The Lanes and the railway station. I have decided to drop the idea of the ice cream and adopt the idea of a post card as a way of introducing the channel ident/logo I have made. The post theme fits well with the flat drawings as they could be from post cards. I have placed the logo in place of a stamp which during the animation fades just leaving the logo as the final image.
Postcard with logo

Most of the group feel that their work is being held up because we don't have any music. Andrew as in class if anyone could come up with some music and Mike generated some while we were in class and pasted them to a site where we could all get copies from.

This is an example of the music Mike has created. 

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Analyst of title sequence for local news

I have done an analyst of the South Today the BBC local news programme opening titles. 

1, 4fr 1st image stats to reveal.
2, 1sec 21st frame end of first image ( image of a ship which is static and rings reveal image through gaps against white background. 
3, 1sec 22fr 2nd image starts to reveal ( film of helicopter flying revealed through rings and shapes)

4, 2 sec 20fr new shape and image and place words
5, 3 sec 18 fr last part of image and words ( more rotation of image than before)
6,  3 sec 19 fr 4th filmed imaged of bikes with ball shaped image revealing image underneath. 
Named places.
7,  4 sec 09 fr end of filmed sequence.

8,   4 sec 10 fr 5th image of light house rings of white /images bigger. 
9,  4 sec 12fr 1st indication of BBC News logo fading in.
10,  5 sec 17fr BBC News logo and BBC South Today at their sharpest.
11, 6 sec 16 fr studio starts to fade in.
 12, 7 sec 11 fr titles completely faded out, presenter about to talk to camera.
The total sequence last for 7sec and 11frames approximately 7.5 seconds.

Lower Thirds

1,  Last clean frame before lower third.
2,  1 fr start of lower third fade in.
3,  6 fr lower third completely in.
4,  4sec 5fr last clean frame of lower third.
5, 4 10fr fade to clean frame.
Lower third on screen process take 4 seconds and 10 frames.