Wednesday 11 December 2013

National Trust brief

One of the selection on offer is the National Trust I have looked through the brief and picked out what I think are the key elements of the brief. The highlight words I have placed in order they appear on the brief and have add a few connecting words so it reading it makes sense.

National Trust Brief

Reintroduce powerful connectors between people and places. Rebuilding connection to a modern audience. Importance of nature and heritage. Elderly equals cream teas. Reposition the National Trust away from its current perceived image. Integrated campaign, nature and beauty forever. Consider, make time for areas of natural or historic beauty. Change perceptions, old fashion benefits people's lives. Think campaign relevance to reach audience. 25-40 years olds nationwide in the UK. Integrated campaign, print, digital experimental. Main deliverable first. Video. 

Having written it out like this seems to have given a clearer under standing of what they are looking for from the brief.  

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