Wednesday 18 December 2013

National Trust Campaign 2012

The digital agency e3 has created a social media campaign called 'Great British Day Out' using a specially-created Facebook app. You have to described the day out you’d like to experience,
for example a 60s themed dinner party in Paul McCartney’s childhood home or a rave on a beach with friends, and then invite friends to the party by dropping their photos into the app. Your submitted ‘Great British Day Out’ is automatically sent to all those friends you’ve invited and you can post a link on your Facebook and Twitter pages asking all your friends to vote for you. The 20 most popular ‘days out’ as voted for by the public, plus a number of wildcards chosen by the
National Trust judging panel, the winner gets to have their ‘Great British Day Out’ made a reality.
The National Trust will use Facebook’s Sponsored Stories solution to ensure entrant’s ‘Days Out’
feature prominently in their news feed, combined with Facebook ads, blogger outreach, online advertising and inclusion across Twitter, and Facebook will ensure that the National Trust’s engaged audience of more than 100,000 will make this campaign as viral as possible.
Campaign May 1st 2012
Tristan Pride, creative director for Bristol-based e3, said “Activities that work best in the social environment are ones that are social in essence. That is why this is such an exciting campaign for the National Trust – the very concept is social. The Facebook app helps to create powerful, organic stories for you and your friends to enjoy, discuss and share. We then maximize that with other tools that are available to us such as Facebook’s Sponsored Stories"

Reference: The Drum

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