Monday 21 October 2013

Reviewing narrative for app

I have been reviewing my choices for the narrative to be used in the app. I have dismissed the linnea book as it already has a strong branding and in one respect I would be reinventing the wheel. The idea of illustrating Richard Feynman would be fun but I think there would be a large learning curve to do with physic and I would not be putting my efforts into understanding the content of the app rather than the design and usability of the app. The same could be said for the ladybird books. Before I make my final discussion and embark on my project I made a small presentation of the life of Alberto Santos du Mont to see if others would find this an interesting subject.

Part of presentation for app

I informally asked people for some feed back after showing them the presentation. The strongest reaction was why have we not heard of this guy. That's interesting. I would like to know more.
Dealey Plaza 1963
I have had an interesting week. from a chance conversation I have decided to go in a completely different direction. I was talking about the idea of collective narrative and had made the suggestion that the people who witnessed the assignation of president Kennedy could make an interesting narrative.  All those people focusing on one event all have many different narratives about themselves and the event. I only have a few day to plan all of this as I have a planing meeting on Thursday.

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