Thursday 24 October 2013


I have to present my planning for the app this week, this must include wire frames, flow diagrams of the app. The App is about the people who witnessed the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. It is the eyewitness who the story is about. The key elements are who are they, what did they say, where did they live at the time and some period information, ie newspapers and media from the time.

Flow diagram
The app opens with a 360º panoramic of Dealey Plaza viewed from the middle of the road, so the only person you don't see is President Kennedy. This the key interface that takes you to the information about the witness. You can either navigate to the witness page by touching the witness or swiping up from the bottom of the ipad to reveal a list of names. This allows you to take a short cut to the witness info page. From the witness main page you then have four options, newspapers, Original documents, Tv or radio and lastly maps. Newspaper will be a collection of newspaper from the time. You will be able o read only the front covers. The original documents will be copies of witness statements from the time and any other historical documents relating to that witness. Tv or radio will original content that was generated at the time which is either audio or visual. Lastly a map of the area that they lived in and an image of their house to show you some context to their background.

Wire frame.
As you can see in the wire frames presented above The first window is the 360º panorama of Dealey Plaza. After 3 seconds arrows will indicate that you can change the direction of travel. The second window shows the active elements on the screen. These are the witness links to their info page. The third window displays the up swiping of the ipad to reveal the short cut menu. The fourth window is the main witness window, included on this window is the navigation on the bottom. The name of the witness on the top. The bio information in the middle and a place holder for their photograph. The fifth window is the first of the info pages in this case it is the map page layout. The sixth window is news paper layout.

Wire frame two
The seventh window is the video or audio layout. The eights window is the original document layout. Lastly the short cut menu which can appear on all of the info pages so as to take you to any other witness.


I have found quite a few websites that have information about the assignation and will harvest them for content to populate the app. Here are a few to give you a flavour of their content.

Planing for the coming week weeks

13th November hand in of the story boards
Before I will have the design and look clarified. Contents will be gathered. Panoramic will be complete and working.

27th November Crit of our visualisations.
Before I will use the storyboards to generate a working visualisation. And finis ang elements that need tweaking from the submission of the storyboards.

2nd December submission.

All has to be done and dusted will gather all element to populate my sketch book pdf.

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