Wednesday 22 May 2013


It seems to have been a very long project. I always look forward to Crit This time it was some how different.  Val was able to come in and see our completed work. she felt their should be a few minor tweaks to the video I presented. At the begin there is 10 frames of the still image before it zooms and pans to the clock face. she felt it should start quicker. All the images that are embedded in the segments of the clock should all have the same horizon. When the logo comes out of the last segment it should look like it is embedded in the clock , the same as the other images.
This is the final version submitted version 21
When I submitted the final version of this video. I used generic news music from Garage band as it had the right kind of ending. I also gave two version one with the logo embedded and one with the logo embedded with a red back ground as the example.

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