Tuesday 23 April 2013

Monday Pitch

This Monday we were going to pitch our program ideas to Val Aviv, due to other commitments her time with us was short. She only wanted to see our finished idents. I showed the complete version with new bike and post card. After the presentation I asked Andrew who had been taking note if he could provide a summary of what she said. I found it very hard to remember how she felt and her suggestions as to what tweaks I might make. Val said she liked the beginning of the rough version shown at the original presentation. She was happier with the new ending but felt the card should spin in a different way as well as having the logo inside a stamp rather than sitting on the cardand losing the black line of the card at the end. There was some discussion about different massages on the card and whether the messages space could be blank and the message added later.
1st version of bike video
I also showed the second concept video of the running man. Val's reaction was she like the concept and that it looks very different, I assume she meant from the animation and felt the logo did not blend in with their backgrounds and she preferred the other logo I had used. She suggested that it could be used a head of  an upcoming who done it type program.I had created a piece of music using Garage band and added to the finished film.
 The Running man video

It was unfortunate that Val's time with us was short as I felt I would have been able to discus the changes easier on a one to one basis rather than across a room full of other students. After our meeting in discussion with Andrew I expanded on the concept and he added some other avenues I might like to explore for example runners instead of bike, other locations in Brighton, Seven dials, Viaduct on London road, Palmeria and Adelaide Crescent. I now have many more idea to think about.

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