Sunday 5 May 2013

Another News idea

I have had my doubt about my line of thinking with regard to the video I created for the news idea. I knew it before I even asked the opinion of other. In a nutshell the ideas to messy to much going on I need the idea to be simple. I want the idea to show the passing of time and the day as well as some reference to the area.
One day around the clock tower
I have come up with the idea of filming the clock tower in Brighton through out the day moving round the clock tower as the day passes then putting all the little bits of film to give the feeling of traveling round the clock tower in continuous motion with the whole day passing by. I made a ruff video using images from Google.
Bexhill clock tower work out.
In preparation I have worked out that I need to divide the clock tower in to 18 segments and shoot over 12 hours. I plan to start at 8 am an finish at 8pm. My intention is to shoot 10 seconds of video every hour but shoot one complete circuit. I have had a dummy go with the local clock tower.

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