Saturday 24 March 2012

Research from Clive Bonny

As part of the process we have been given a brief out line of what our client Clive Bonny would like to have on his website. We are now at the point where we have to find out more information. I have come up with a list of 17 question to help me in my understanding of what is required of the website. We were hoping to have a meeting with Clive but this has had to cancelled. Below are the initial question I wanted to ask.

1 What the prime objective of your web site.
2. Is this a training scheme for managing a project and in how to create product from recycled martial.
3 Who your target audience
4 Content do you have?
5. Do you have a brand logo for “Self made clothing support'
6 How do you source your clothes.
7 If you web site was a person what personality would it have.
8 Do you have any preconceived ideas about the website ie colour interactively.
9 Is the business/scheme already up and running.
10 Do you have any examples of finished products.
11 Does the web site have any connection to social media ie facebook twitter.
12 Does the website have to be geographical specific. Ie Brighton, south coast.
13 Are there links to journals trade sites.
14 Do you have any connection to ethical fashion forum.
15 What do you want to tell them about you.
16 Do you know the term up cycled.
17 Contact how?

As a group we have got together and combined all of our question which we have e-mailed to James Harvey at Links Creative who will forward them on to Clive Bonny.

General background question

1 Could you elaborate on what do you do as an organisation?
2 Is this a training scheme for managing a project and in how to create products from recycled material?
3 What are the project aims?
4 Who is your target audience?
5 What is the project background and history?
6 What activities do you run in order to enhance the person/s skills?
7 How long has the project been running? Do you have any previous success stories, testimonies available?
8 Are there a team of people who run the project? Would you want their skill/role background on the website? Any other participants?
9 Where do you currently operate?
10 Have you received any awards?
11 How do you currently promote the business/project?
12 Have you received any awards?
13 Do you know of any other projects similar to this?
14 How do you source your clothes?
15 Do you have any connections to social media, Facebook, twitter etc?You tube video promoted us
16 Do you want links to journal trade sites on your website?
17 Do you have connections to ethical fashion forum?
18 Do you know the term up-cycled?

Design Questions

1 What do you want the site to achieve/do?
2 Do you have a slogan/tag line? Yes
3 What do you want the site to feature content wise? Anything especially want/do not want on the home page, other pages?
4 If your site was a person what personality would it have?
5 What content do you have available for use? Images, video, documents etc.
6 How will people using the site get in contact? Do you have an email, address, phone number that you want to have on the site?
7 What words/phrases would you want to be able to search online for your site to come up? Which are more/less important?
8 Have you got a theme/colour scheme in mind?
9 Do you want to be able to have people sign up for email based newsletters?
10 Do you have a current logo (do you want a logo?), are you happy with it? Do you any other existing documents? Leaflets, business cards etc, that you would like the design to follow?
11 Have you seen any websites you like the look of?

Extra questions

1 Do you need to be able to update the website? If so how regularly?
2 Will you be advertising any partners/businesses involved in the project?



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