Thursday 8 March 2012

Developing a web site for a client

For this assignment I have been given a client to produce a web site for. These clients are working with a company called First Steps, who have negotiated the individual briefs with the clients, so they will be briefing us on the nature of the clients’ requirements on the first day of this project (Monday 5th March). During the project I will be liaising with the client and with First Steps we will have a set of agreed deadlines for research, ideas, mock-ups and a prototype. A record of my correspondence with the client, including any feedback they have given me, will be presented in my blog.

There will be groups of up to 4 students working on each project, but we are working competitively rather than collaboratively. Our tutors will allocate us our group and client. We will each be working individually to answer the brief and produce a website suitable to the client’s needs, though we may need to generate content for the website collaboratively. The client will ultimately choose one site they intend to use professionally (as long as there is one which is suitable to their needs and produced to a high enough standard).

I will build my web site using html and css in a text editor, such as Textwrangler, and the graphics will be made in a Photoshop and/or Illustrator, then compressed for the web. I will build and develop the skills to provide a sophisticated interactive user experience in this website. This will mean I can introduce interactive image display features such as remote rollovers and lightboxes, as well as enhancing the interactivity with features such as animated transitions using jQuery and CSS3 techniques.
For the typographic elements of your design you I use webfonts using either @fontface or Google Web Fonts.

We will have to use the First Steps initial briefing on the client and their requirements as the terms of reference for our visual research and the development of your designs. It is important that I gather a strong set of visual references for the subject area with which I am dealing and that you I make clear and cohesive decisions about the appropriate visual language I use.

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