Friday 2 March 2012


As before I enjoyed crit on many levels. I always enjoy seeing other people work and the fact that we all came up with such verity of different ideas for the same project. I liked Jamies work, he has a thoughtful and well executed style. However I did feel that the text in places was a distraction to his well shot and edited video. I enjoyed the second of Mike's two video the first I felt was a little bit manic and the second gave you time to breath, I liked it feel the style and filters he used. Russel also employed and old fashion look to it using and old film filter. I felt that some of the cuts needed to be sharper and I was not keen on the music he chose it was to loud in the mix for me. When I came to the crit on my project some felt that the inclusion of the dead pigeon and the leaves vignette should not be in the video. I felt that I was trying to stir an emotion, reflecting on the terrible things that had happened in South Africa. Maybe it was a little to strong so I have changed that part of the video. With regard to the text it was felt that the text should have the feeling of being knocked out of the way by the next cut. This happened in one place in the video and so I have re-timed and repositioned the text to give that feeling throughout. Lastly that  I should change the font used for the word "DIE" to Helvetica in keeping with the overlay text. I have done this and at the same time changed the word Mandela to Helvetica too.

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