Thursday 1 March 2012

Green screen

Green screen set up

I was not happy with image I had shoot of the newspaper under the leaves. So I decided to try and shoot the leaves against a green back ground aka green screen. I have an old photo copying stand and lights and set these up in the kitchen, The garden shed to cold this time of the year. I covered the green paper with dry leaves from the garden. Set my still camera to auto and locked the focus. I used the flash on the top of the camera to fire the flash pack.  I shot a sequence of images after each image I would move the leaves clearing a space in the center. Once the center was clear I shot a sequence with leaves coming back together. I then imported them into Photoshop stacked in layers via Bridge. Using the animation setting I animated each layer to create a moving sequence.
I was now going to import the small mov I had created into Final cut pro and superimpose it over a still image of the news paper. However in the mean time I had shot a sequence of a dead pigeon and its feathers. It had been attacked by a kestrel. I felt that the leaves would act as a vignette highlighting the dead bird and driving home the feeling of death. I then went through the same process again, but used torn up news papers and have over laid this image in my sequence.
Newspaper sequence

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