Thursday 1 March 2012

Organising my work

Once I started this project it became very apparent that my work flow had to be more organised. The camera that I was using would auto label the clips Sunp0001.avi changing the number for the next clip. After down loading to a folder and deleting from the memory card it would return to Sunp0001.avi. So I gave every clip a new name using Adobe Bridge This allowed me to view on in larger format than the thumbnails in the folder on my mac and I did not have to open them in QuickTime if I wanted to see them larger. I cold also delete the ones I was clearly not going to use.
Renaming and sorting clips in Bridge
In our tutorials in the class we were advised to convert the files using compressor to Apple Pro Ress 442
this would give a smother result when being edited in Final Cut Pro. During the editing process I used Final Cut Pro X having never used editing software before I found FCP X easyer to use than FCP 7.
 At the very start of project I had edited the speech in Sound Track Pro, I kept all of my sound clips in a separate folder, it also included the music and the cut out section of music I used in my clip. Lastly I kept the original still images in another folder. The speech I had saved as a word document so I could copy and paste word and sentences when I used Motion to add the text to my final edit.
Time lines from FCP X
One of the most helpful things in FCP X was the facility to copy and save different versions of the time line allowing me to return to a previous edit if I was not happy with the direction I had take in the choice of clips and effects. The same could be said for Motion 5 I could import the new clip and hide the old clip and use the text movements I had already created.

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