Monday 11 March 2013

TV Ident

The start of a new project. We have been asked to create a TV ident for a community based local TV channel based in the Brighton area of the South Coast. The possible range of the transmission for the channel is Worthing in the West and Lewes in the East. Latest TV the sole bidders were awarded the 12 year franchise to produce local and community based TV. The BBC have put up £25 Million for the necessary infrastructure and promised to buy £5 Millions worth of content in the first 3 years. The new local broadcasters will be exempt from the European cap on advertising, which is an average of 12 minutes in the hour. The channels will have to produce 2 hours of local content of news and politics every day.

Projected coverage area

Latest TV

At the present Latest TV is hosted on the website as their website says Latest Homes / Latest 7 magazine was established in 2001 to promote property in Brighton, Hove and Sussex, as well as capturing the zeitgeist of the city, covering news, reviews, celebrities, listings, TV, sport, jobs, cars, art and everything unique about the city of Brighton & Hove. With over 100,000 weekly readers, and over 1,000 distribution outlets, the magazine is one of the biggest city weekly magazines in Europe. There is also a Latest music venue and the on line TV station Latest TV. They will be broadcast on channel 8 on Freeview and hope to start transmission by late 2013. With that in mind we have been asked to create a channel ident and open credits for one of the programmes they will broadcast. 

Latest website
 The company who run The Latest website and magazines are currently using a red box with Verdana font as part of their corporate identity.

This is the current ident used by latest tv at the moment

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