Friday 29 March 2013

Development of ideas

One key thing the meeting with Val has allowed me to see the work from the position of other people eyes and has let me look at my work a fresh. I feel that there are more things that need to change. I was struck by the idea of viewing distance, with this in mind I played a copy of my video through my television and watched it from where I would normally view the screen. I work using a fairly large screen and never see my work at a distance. So thing that are small are easily seen, viewing thing in ones living room I can see that small things are lost size can be important.
New and Old Huts
I have developed the the opening sequence. The image on the right is my original shot. I feel the huts are lost and to small I kept them at at that size because of the DNA video it represented the same feel for me. However I have to step out from that video to stamp my own look on the video. I know that I have a tendency to not crop into an image and leave everything in, by cropping into an image it can make it stronger. Its what you leave out or imply that makes the image stronger. On that bases cropping into the huts I feel makes the image stronger. I have made the the bike more complete rather than one wheel.
3D wheel
During my class with Andrew he suggested adding some shadows making the image more 3D. After some experimentation we had a redesign of the Big Wheel. If anything it confirmed that I wanted to go down the route of very flat images with the hint of a postcard look.

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