Friday 15 March 2013

Our Brief

We have to produce on screen branding for Latest TV. This must include an ident for the channel and an individual program. The already have a stable of programmes on their website, “ City of ….,” each subject inserted after city of i.e., “fashion, sport, music”. “Brighton Lights” a magazine type programme hosted by Guy Lloyd. There are programmes in development for example “Deep and Meaningless,” and a comedy based programme with Matt Whistler the name has yet to be determined. Lastly a News programme and “The Vote” a factual based programme about local politics. 

Basic requirements of brief

The project has been divided into two parts. 1st to produce a channel ident which should be long enough for voice over continuity, around 10 seconds, a channel ident between from 3 and 5 seconds
and 1 second to punctuate between ad breaks and shows. A sting from the bottom or side of screen.
This is used as a device to introduce the next program or an up and coming programs. The specific show will be assigned at a later date.

Location spotting
idea and location spotting

 The channel is Brighton centered so I have taken time out to walk round Brighton and photograph location to help with the process of making the channel ident. I could have used google street view, I think you get a better feel and understanding if you are able to soak up the environment.

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