Wednesday 27 March 2013

Feed Back from presentation

I felt that this presentation evoked a different response from the other that we had solely had with the students on the course and last years with our live client Clive Bonny of Self Made Creative clothing. I felt that Val Aviv was quite positive about the animation, in princple she liked it but was unhappy with the ending which had a sauce bottle writing Latest TV on an ice cream which had been the sun landing in the upside down helter-skelter. She was not keen on the transition from the pier to the end.  We were waiting for some music to accompany our idents and showing them dry did not help present the idents as a whole.  It would have been wiser to have any suitable music to convey the idea better.

Final part of animation
The running man also produce a positive response as I remember the concept had to be explained in more detail. After we all had show our concepts I felt she thought that what we had been presented would have been a more finished product. The differences between Clive Bonny and Val Aviv, Clive was more direct as to what he wanted and Val could not quite define what she wanted. Both clients were friendly and happy to give their time to the group. Val was happy to discussed all our works and the individual programme we all were about to under take. Another valuable experience leading to the thought that not all clients are the same and their perception of what you are doing can also be very different. 

Work out animation for News intro

I already knew that I was going to do the news programme and had started to experiment with some animation. I showed this to Val just to test the water. On reflection I don't think this was a good idea if I return to my earlier point in an earlier blog presenting unformed and too many idea does not always get the response you want or any kind of helpful response to aide you with the development of the project.

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