Monday 8 April 2013

Logo Development

I've had to put working on this project to one side as we have had an essay to hand in so time management has become important. To break up my day from essay writing I have set about only designing a logo, something I had over looked with my initial presentation. I had just used text on the ice cream to indicate the channel name. Jamie's work brought into strong focus the need for a logo. The logo helps tie things together links everything. Val said we could create a new logo however she seemed keen to keep the font Verdana that they have been using. 
Logo workout with their original
My initial designs are a reworking of the red box and Verdana font. Its soon became apparent that using the flat colours did not work and there needed to be an element of 3D and or some shading.

3d logo and shading

I have adapted my design and add a shadow. The logo incorporates Latest TV and Channel 8 which is the channel it will be broadcast on. The style of logo can also be adapted for the news programme intro that I am going to make and is in keeping with a corporate theme.
Channel ident with shadows

I have also played around in after effects and made a basic channel 4 logo type animation just to see how the idea might look.
Channel four type 3D animation

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