Wednesday 20 February 2013

Dividing my time

We now have a week away from the college this week my time will be divided up between working on video, pdf for submission of work and my tickets and posters. As all of the work for the pdf is interdependent this is the key area for the week.
I have chosen to use the key elements from my videos to use as a style motif for the pdf.

Page from pdf
I did all the work for the pdf in Indesign, I have not had a great deal of experience with Indesign but the tutorial attended the week before sent me in the right direction. I chose to use the leaf as part of the back ground and set that in the master page. What I did not do however was to set the leaf and string in the master which would have reproduced it on every page. So I would copy and paste the string and leaves in position on every page. I know some people would rather do everything in Photoshop and make all the pages up into a pdf later. I found the auto guides a great help when laying things out. I was able to give the gab between each window for the story board a great help. The second advantage of using Indesign was the ability to edit the page easier. I could substitute a new image by deleting the old image leaving the box it sat in in place. Then using place a new image could easily take its place.

The forest church
I saw this image during the week and it had reenforced the idea that I wanted a dappled light effect in the video. I did a search on the internet and the nearest effect that I could find was for light beams underwater. I have adapted this technique to enhance the back ground of the animation.
Note to myself
I made a quick note to myself and left it in the same folder as all the After Effect work so I could call upon it when I wanted to repeat the effect.

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