Tuesday 26 February 2013

Crit and beyond

I don't know why I say it each time but I do enjoy seeing the work the rest of the group have produced. This project seems to have struck a cord with everybody.  They all have picked up the ideas and run with them. Russel has created a slick video for Bacardi, I think he really excelled with his work. I liked Corinne's poster for the forestry commission and as the group suggested a little tweak would improve them. As for my work I happy that Andrew thought the pdf was striking, that it was important to grab the attention of YCN when they view the project. Hayley came up with a suggestion that I make the words look like they are cutout from the pencil. I spent some time trying that but abandon it for a redesign. Andrew had suggested some shadows which I had argued against it saying I like the look as if it had been photographed on a light box. Different coloured leaves were also discussed.
Part of the redesign
I re-sized the leaves making the green ones smaller and changing others to brown and adding the text to spell out the message. I feel that it has certainly made the poster stronger. I have cut one element from the animation and added my tag line at the end. Chris thought I might be able to have it at the start but I could not make it work, however I did use the few seconds gained to show the text at the end longer.

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