Tuesday 1 April 2014

Publishing content

I have started to get to grips with Joomla, the architecture of Joomla needs every article to belong to a section and a category, which can also include a unspecified category. I have been given a good piece of house keeping try not to use uncategorised as it will become the deposit for lots of junk.  The guide give a good analogy is think of a section as being a draw in a filing cabinet and a category a is a folder in that cabinet, lastly the article is the document inside the folder.
Structural relationship in Joomla

I have started by creating a category in the administration part of Joomla (backend) I navigate to content and the drop down menu give me the choice to make a category, at present I only have to give it a title sit can be identified when I create an article. I return to the same section and create an article I have to give a title and then a category from the ones I have created. This now links the article to the category,  the next thing I need to do is link the category to a section (menu name) This is done in the menu section where I choose main menu new. I have to chose the menu type and what section is linked to it. the last thing to do is to view the site via a preview button on the tool bar.
                          This is the first things I have put on screens via Joomla  a small start.

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