Friday 29 March 2013

Development of ideas

One key thing the meeting with Val has allowed me to see the work from the position of other people eyes and has let me look at my work a fresh. I feel that there are more things that need to change. I was struck by the idea of viewing distance, with this in mind I played a copy of my video through my television and watched it from where I would normally view the screen. I work using a fairly large screen and never see my work at a distance. So thing that are small are easily seen, viewing thing in ones living room I can see that small things are lost size can be important.
New and Old Huts
I have developed the the opening sequence. The image on the right is my original shot. I feel the huts are lost and to small I kept them at at that size because of the DNA video it represented the same feel for me. However I have to step out from that video to stamp my own look on the video. I know that I have a tendency to not crop into an image and leave everything in, by cropping into an image it can make it stronger. Its what you leave out or imply that makes the image stronger. On that bases cropping into the huts I feel makes the image stronger. I have made the the bike more complete rather than one wheel.
3D wheel
During my class with Andrew he suggested adding some shadows making the image more 3D. After some experimentation we had a redesign of the Big Wheel. If anything it confirmed that I wanted to go down the route of very flat images with the hint of a postcard look.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Feed Back from presentation

I felt that this presentation evoked a different response from the other that we had solely had with the students on the course and last years with our live client Clive Bonny of Self Made Creative clothing. I felt that Val Aviv was quite positive about the animation, in princple she liked it but was unhappy with the ending which had a sauce bottle writing Latest TV on an ice cream which had been the sun landing in the upside down helter-skelter. She was not keen on the transition from the pier to the end.  We were waiting for some music to accompany our idents and showing them dry did not help present the idents as a whole.  It would have been wiser to have any suitable music to convey the idea better.

Final part of animation
The running man also produce a positive response as I remember the concept had to be explained in more detail. After we all had show our concepts I felt she thought that what we had been presented would have been a more finished product. The differences between Clive Bonny and Val Aviv, Clive was more direct as to what he wanted and Val could not quite define what she wanted. Both clients were friendly and happy to give their time to the group. Val was happy to discussed all our works and the individual programme we all were about to under take. Another valuable experience leading to the thought that not all clients are the same and their perception of what you are doing can also be very different. 

Work out animation for News intro

I already knew that I was going to do the news programme and had started to experiment with some animation. I showed this to Val just to test the water. On reflection I don't think this was a good idea if I return to my earlier point in an earlier blog presenting unformed and too many idea does not always get the response you want or any kind of helpful response to aide you with the development of the project.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Presentation of ideas to client

At the start of my presentation I have included a small amount about the demographics of Brighton and the surrounding areas. We are to presented our first cohesive ideas to Val Aviv of Latest TV for their channel idents. I have done some initial research of the audience that may be cover by the Latest TV. I was surprise to find that the Brighton area has the same amount of retired people and students both around 11% of the population. The majority of people are in the broad age group of 20 to 44 at 45%. Lastly that 70% of the population are economically active. 

Iconic images of Brighton
As well as looking at the population I have also looked at the main icons of the Brighton and Hove area. You can't escape even if you wanted too the iconic buildings that define Brighton. For example I think of the railway station as the first image outsiders see when they arrive in Brighton and on their journey to the sea front they pass by the Clock Tower arriving at the Pier, now over looked by the Big Wheel. If the swing back towards town we pass by The Lanes and come across the Pavilion. Other strong icons for me are the Beach huts in Hove, the statute of Queen Victoria and the Peace on the sea front.
Queen Victoria and the Peace statute.
I have come up with two diverse ideas and feel that I can present both as we are presenting in a group, its the same as an extra person showing an idea, normally I believe one should present a single idea so as not to dilute you concept and presentation. My first idea has drawn on the image of the beach huts from Hove and the DNA video. I want to use flat block colours to present iconic images of Brighton. Each image will be linked to the other. Firstly in design and style and secondly by the use of addition of a bike which will travel on a journey across Brighton and the surrounding area. Brighton has actively been promoting the use of bikes and cycle lanes.

My Latest TV ident  no sound

The second idea draws on the other elements I saw when I went location spotting. I was struck by the fading image painted on a concrete wall by the sea front. As Latest are a new local TV channel and unknown to most people in the local area I wanted to reflected the idea the channel was a bit of a mystery and logos we placed all over Brighton. I have mocked up a video of how it could look. I have used a cut out of Dr Who as my running man and put the logos on still I shot when location hunting.
 Running man video

 I also showed a mock up of coming up next using the big wheel as the introduction and used the end credits of the film 'Bullet'.

Mock up of coming up next

Thursday 21 March 2013

Initial ideas

Logo and wheel

 My first idea was to have a Venetian blind transition changing images and lastly ending with latest TV logo.
Latest embedded text
After my trip to Brighton I have had some initial ideas. The image of the wall sparked the idea of the name 'Latest TV' seen on walls and poster all round Brighton, it had a faint image of something painted on it. I tied this in with the street artist Banksy. I Liked the idea of a bike passing by as it journeys it way across Brighton showing different parts with 'Latest TV sprayed on walls and landmarks.

Add caption
I saw this animation on the Wired website and was struct by the use of flat colours and simple shapes to tell a story. BBC Knowledge and Learning is exploring a wide variety of topics from social history to science in a series of three-minute online Explainer documentaries, and commissioned Territory Studio ( to produce an animated film on the subject of DNA. I want to see if I can incorporate the same principles into my ident video. More info and video can be found here.BBC Knowledge DNA

Friday 15 March 2013

Our Brief

We have to produce on screen branding for Latest TV. This must include an ident for the channel and an individual program. The already have a stable of programmes on their website, “ City of ….,” each subject inserted after city of i.e., “fashion, sport, music”. “Brighton Lights” a magazine type programme hosted by Guy Lloyd. There are programmes in development for example “Deep and Meaningless,” and a comedy based programme with Matt Whistler the name has yet to be determined. Lastly a News programme and “The Vote” a factual based programme about local politics. 

Basic requirements of brief

The project has been divided into two parts. 1st to produce a channel ident which should be long enough for voice over continuity, around 10 seconds, a channel ident between from 3 and 5 seconds
and 1 second to punctuate between ad breaks and shows. A sting from the bottom or side of screen.
This is used as a device to introduce the next program or an up and coming programs. The specific show will be assigned at a later date.

Location spotting
idea and location spotting

 The channel is Brighton centered so I have taken time out to walk round Brighton and photograph location to help with the process of making the channel ident. I could have used google street view, I think you get a better feel and understanding if you are able to soak up the environment.

Monday 11 March 2013

TV Ident

The start of a new project. We have been asked to create a TV ident for a community based local TV channel based in the Brighton area of the South Coast. The possible range of the transmission for the channel is Worthing in the West and Lewes in the East. Latest TV the sole bidders were awarded the 12 year franchise to produce local and community based TV. The BBC have put up £25 Million for the necessary infrastructure and promised to buy £5 Millions worth of content in the first 3 years. The new local broadcasters will be exempt from the European cap on advertising, which is an average of 12 minutes in the hour. The channels will have to produce 2 hours of local content of news and politics every day.

Projected coverage area

Latest TV

At the present Latest TV is hosted on the website as their website says Latest Homes / Latest 7 magazine was established in 2001 to promote property in Brighton, Hove and Sussex, as well as capturing the zeitgeist of the city, covering news, reviews, celebrities, listings, TV, sport, jobs, cars, art and everything unique about the city of Brighton & Hove. With over 100,000 weekly readers, and over 1,000 distribution outlets, the magazine is one of the biggest city weekly magazines in Europe. There is also a Latest music venue and the on line TV station Latest TV. They will be broadcast on channel 8 on Freeview and hope to start transmission by late 2013. With that in mind we have been asked to create a channel ident and open credits for one of the programmes they will broadcast. 

Latest website
 The company who run The Latest website and magazines are currently using a red box with Verdana font as part of their corporate identity.

This is the current ident used by latest tv at the moment