Friday 2 November 2012

Recording the interview

I have set a side this week to record the interviews for the bio part of my book. In discussion within the class the BBC programme The Listening Project has been high lighted as a model for the type of interview / sound track, we should employ for our illustrated interview.

The BBC inform us on their web site “ The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants.” Many of these interview are going to be held by the British library in longer forms.

BBC Listening Project

Research for interview

Looking at all of the archive materiel I have on my Great-grandfather James Hunt I have draw up a list of topics I hope my mother will cover in conversation.

Where did James Hunt come from. What was his families background. What kind of person was he, physically and personality. We have a copy of article from the News of the world 1952 how did that come about. In family folk law James like to gamble on the horses. The other major family story of a bomb dropping in the middle of the street during the war.

Many of these things I all ready know about, what is important is its my mother has to tell the story.
I am going to my mother house, and in quite room conduct the interview without notes in a cam a relaxed atmosphere.

For the recording process I will be using a “Zoom H1” to record the interview and to edit the recording I will use the program “Audacity”. The Zoom is a hand held stereo mini recorder with built in microphone. It can be mounted on a tripod and has a removable micro card or it can be connected to your computer by cable to down load files. Its saves as mp3 or a wav file. Levels can be set manually or set in an auto level mode. There is one simple record button to record or stop the recording. It comes with a build in speaker to hear the play back.

Zoom H1 Recorder
 The day of the recording

I went to my mothers house late morning and we used her dinning room and sat near each other near the table. I sat at a distance which was comfortable but not to close, almost side on and at arms distance from my mother. I set up the recorder and held it close to her face. Before we started I set out what I hoped would happen during the interview. I asked if my mother could repeat the question if I ask one tell her this would help with editing. I started by making sure the recorder was on and recording. I first asked who was James Hunt. My mother started by saying that James was her grandfather and continued the story of his life. She spoke for 8 to 10 mins with a few interruptions from me to steer the interview when needed. I pressed the stop / record button only to discover it had been on pause. After we both laughed about it we went through the process again. The second interview did not flow as well as the first, we took a short break and went through the process for a third time. After that I returned home to work on the recordings.



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