Wednesday 14 November 2012

Taking a fresh look

I been taking a look at what work I have produced so far in context with all the material I have gathered. I want the book to flow and have a narrative. My initial idea was to have part of the story in the introduction. This has always troubled me. I felt I would be repeating my self if I used elements later in the book. I had already thought of using a voice over for parts of the text to give a flavor of James for those who never meet him. I would like to carry this theme in a new introduction. I have some historical records about James early life other than his writings, census records from 1901 and 1911 and with those and his writings I want to construct a script of James introducing himself.

1911 Census

I have written a new intro part and have asked Mike McCrory to kindly re do the voice over for me. This will be the third set of recordings he has done. The original complete readings, a new set of reading plus alternative lines for the old introduction and now the text below.

My name is James Hunt I was born in Chorlton Manchester in 1892. We are now living in Rotherham with my mother Emma and my father George, Flow, Nellie, Elsie and my brother Walter. My dad comes from a mining family they all worked down the mine, not him he's a bricklayer and finds work where he can. I left school at thirteen and started work at the pit head I had to walk six miles every day, I worked there for six month, then my dad got me a job closer to home working with him. I aways found work where ever I could And have work as a bricklayer all my working life.

I am now creating a story board to populate the new text. It will still include a young James in front of the mirror with the addition of a picture of his father George.

 The above video is a workout in After Effects to help with the generation of ideas.

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