Friday 23 November 2012

Development of original idea

The animation are progressing quite well It time to focus more on the book content it self. My initial idea was to have the e-book quite bookie lots of text illustrations the intro video and interviews.

Initial layout for book


I wanted to draw on the elements in the videos to illustrate the book. From my limited understanding of i-books author I have constrained my ideas. This week I have had a chance to see one of my fellow colleges work for his book and feel that I have to change parts of my design. As in an earlier blog there are two types of e-books. One which realise on original text, ie a traditional book and the other a more media rich book which draws you in to the books own world. The key elements I want to employ in my updated design will draw more on the graphic side of the imagery I have created. I want the elements to flow graphically. 
Well used wall of bricks

I have repeatedly used the same elements in the video. This brick wall has been used for a number of things, the mine shaft being one of them. I intend to use this wall as a back drop for all the elements of the book. When the pages are swiped you will see one long connected wall.
Photo album

I have taken the family photo album and cleaned it up in Photoshop I will use this a s a backdrop for my bio gallery. I like the idea of including elements personal to James. The child in the picture is James' granddaughter. I have James pocket watch which must have belonged to his father that image I will use as well.

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