Friday 20 January 2012

Final Thoughts

Yet again I found this project quite challenging. I felt that the artwork that inspired me to go in a particular direction was very interesting, however I found it hard to exploit it for the finished work. If I had taken more time I may have gone in a different direction. Saying that I feel I have produced a coherent body of work.
Poster Collection
Leaflet inside outside.


As before the crit was an invaluable experience. It does not matter how many times you look at you work you may not always see the faults. The majority of my peer like the work and again the feed back was positive. For those that did not like it when it was pitched I don't think they where won over by the finished art works. I think some thing come down to a matter of taste. On a technical level it was pointed out the the fonts where not all the same in the body text, this I duly change and after further discussion changed again to a light type of font.  It was felt that the red arrows used should be slimmer and on reflection I have to agree. On the back of the leaflet I had converted a map to a line drawing with no background so the gray of the leaflet could show through. Some felt that this should be change for a better map the was easier to read. I ended up using a Google map and converted it to black and white after taking the colour out of the main road .I also add the made up address of my buildings to the map. Lastly I reworked the banners I had made and dropped them into new photos. The three poster I did a little tidying up to make them more consistent.

Thursday 19 January 2012

The Pitch

For my pitch I presented three main ideas My colour scheme which was Red, Grey, White and Black. Incorporated with the logo and a mock up of the building based on William Crouwel.

Main colour scheme

The second part of the pitch was the leaflet. I made a mock up and presented it during the pitch.
Mock up of leaflet.

Lastly my poster for a music venue call Brighton Rocks. I went on to explain that the finished poster would be based on the film poster incorporating the image of the viaduct and in a more graphic style incorporating the grey colour scheme.

Poster for music venue

Most of the feedback was positive some like some of the elements and overwhelming feeling there was not cohesion between the ideas. The main theme of the red grey white and black got a very positive backing however some though it would not appeal to teenagers as they where not the target group I felt I could continue in that direction. I believed that I had to drop the poster idea as it could not exist on its own under the main thrust of the brief. I now will concentrate on the buildings in white and with a grey background.


Designing the leaflet

My research fell into two camps what was I going to put on the leaflet and how was I going to make the leaflet. I was quite surprised at the number of web site with info on how to and this one gave lots of tips as to what you or they might encounter. Castle print and design. It funny how familiar these thing are we see them at every railway station, they are hand out in the street.
Here are some of the main point to consider when making the leaflet. The staring point being which type and what size. Gatefold Z fold, something based on an A4 sheet of paper. Or something that is the same with but longer. If I wanted too I could have gone for A2 or A3 folded. It all down to the brief.

Above are few examples once you've chosen the type and size there are lots of guides to help set up the rulers and guides in indesign.
 I have gone for a Z fold similar to the above guide. By following the simple guides, one must pay attention as to where the front and back will be so that the fold produces the reveal you wanted.

Thank you Castle print for your invaluable help.
Latest 7 magazine
As Part of the brief we been asked to make an advertisement for Time Out or Latest 7. Here are some of the requirements from Latest 7 if you want to place  a advertisement with them. 
Artwork sizes for Latest 7

Artwork information

Camera-ready ads should be supplied digitally in one
of the following formats: JPEG, TIFF, EPS or press
PDF with all fonts embedded and spot colours
converted into CMYK.
Adverts may be supplied as InDesign CS2,
QuarkXpress 4, 5 or 6 files providing all fonts
and images are supplied.
Images should be no less than 300dpi at
print dimensions and CMYK.
We can accept artwork via email or CD,
preferably in Apple Macintosh format.
Any artwork supplied incorrectly may incur
additional studio costs.
Advert copy to be set, can be supplied by email or
as a single Microsoft Word document with images
or logos as separate JPEG attachments.
Publication is weekly on every Wednesday. The deadline for bookings is
10 days prior to the publishing date.

Size Price
Double page spread £900
Inside front £750
Advertising feature from £600
Full page £500
Half page vertical £300
Half page horizontal £300
Quarter page vertical £175
Eighth page £100
Latest 7 rates

Developing ideas

As I started to work through my ideas for the brief. I realised that I needed a logo something to lock all of the works to together, something that would identify the area. I though that the viaduct would be a good motif as it prominent in the area. I drew the first thing that came to me on a scrap piece of paper and then expanded the idea in illustrator.

Designing the logo.

I like the idea of the arrow on the film poster. I drew 4 bold arrows from the center of the page and large arrows going across the page to draw the eye to the information I wanted to give. In the mock up I made I also incorporated a new logo to see how it look on the page.

First mock up with logo.

I wanted to use the grey background  with the white building as my main theme. I looked at the Hiscox advertising thinking that I could incorporate the red into the buildings. I also produced an outline building to see how it would work out.

Red building idea.
I was also now strongly favoring the idea of  the area being called "Central London Road Brighton.

Inspirational styles

 When I started to think about this project. I first look at the area it self. There are some major landmarks that identifies the area. Starting with the viaduct at one end followed closely by the
Duke of york cinema. As we move down the London road we have the old Co op building, the now reused Woolworth building. The 1930's building currently being used by MacDonald. Lastly St Peters church. This also defined the boundaries of my project coincidentally following the 2009 project.

Key elements of London Road.

The first element I found that inspired me was a poster from the 1935 film Brighton rock. I felt that the area needed an up market music venue. I also looked at other film posters.

Film Poster used for inspiration.

The next element that I came across was a poster for Dutch museum exhibition of architecture by Willem Hendrik Crouwel. I loved the clean and simplistic design. I believed it would be ideal for a project that did not contain the elements of a normal redevelopment ie, artistic drawings based on architectural designs.

Designs by Willem Crouwel

Regeneration research

 I look at many examples of urban regeneration projects. Ranging from one of the ones I knew well that being the development at he old docks in London. Having lived there for many years.
Canary Wharf before and after.

I spread my net wider and had a look at a development in Stockholm. This leaflet was very text heavy with a few generic photos of Stockholm.

Stockholm Development.

I now look at the projects centered a round London roan Brighton and found that there had been many proposed project over the years. All contain current images of the areas to be redeveloped and artist impression of the out come of the proposed development. Many facts and figures and map indicating why and how.

Representative image of open market in London road.

London Road Central Master Plan 2009
After see this 2009 plan for London road Brighton I decided that my fictitious development would be called Central London road Brighton.