Monday 17 October 2011

A stich in time.

This is just a run through of how I stitched my panoramic together. I saved all my sequences to individual folders. I employed this method for all of the panoramic. The steps layed out here presuppose you have some understanding of Photoshop.

Step 1 Open all the images from a sequence in Photoshop, compile them into stacked and layered image.

Step 2 Using the crop tool extend the background.

Step 3 Create a layer on the bottom and fill it with white. This will help you when you drag the layer across later.

Step.4 Turn off the visibility on all the layers except the bottom white layer and the top two.Turn the uppermost layer to opacity 50%.

 Step 5. Activate the layer below and drag it across using the move tool.

Step 6. Line it up with layer above it. Choose an area in from the left around 1/3 of the image which has a natural break, i,e, the chimney pots in the sample image. You will not be able to match the whole image. You only need to match a thin strip.

Step 7. Activate the layer above and return opacity to 100%. Add a layer mask. Use the brush tool and black. Paint the mask, in the area you want to erase on the image, ( the unseen part of the image) This is non destructive action, you are only hiding the image with the mask. If you paint too much change the colour to white, by pressing X and remove the dark painted areas.

 Step 8. I turn off the visibility of on the layer just worked on and activate the layer below turning the opacity   to 50%.
 Step 9. Activate the layer below and drag it across using the move tool.We are starting to repeat the process in step 6. 
 Repeat until all layers are in place.
If you need to adjust the colour, density you can insert adjustment layer acting only on that layer. I have found another way of blending a different sky density between two adjacent layers. I set the brush to 50% opacity and 50% flow and use that in the sky area building up density in the mask until the sky matches.

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