Saturday 15 October 2011

First A Test

I decided to shoot a test panoramic before spending the day out shooting. Near to the collage is garden in the grounds of an Elizabethan house. I set of with my tripod and camera. As I entered into the walled garden I was met by a mass of students with cameras who obviously had the same idea as me. I had a good look round the gardens and found a great spot to photograph the house and gardens without lots of people in the pictures.
Tripod Bubble
I set the tripod up and made sure it was level.Before I put the camera on the tripod I took a light reading using the camera of the most average light condition in the garden. Not to shady and not direct sunlight.
Auto light reading
 Manually set the shutter and the aperture from the auto reading.
Set manual exposure
Sat the camera on the tripod, the first picture was to be the house. Even though I had made sure the tripod was level I still checked that the buildings were upright.

Slanting verticals and corrected verticals

They were just off so I readjusted the camera. Now I was ready for my first shot. As soon I took the first shot a woman stood where I was about to take my second shot. She also thought the gardens were lovely today and wanted to take some photos as well. She moved around as I paned round and photographed my 360º Sequence. 

Lady Photographer

 After she had gone I shot another 360º Sequence and left the Southover gardens. To return to collage to see the results of the photography. My initial thoughts was to make the panoramic without her in.
1st Panoramic without women photographer
As I started to write this blog I thought about my initial entry with the Fox Talbot image and revisited the first sequence of images and generated a new panoramic from sequence of images.

New Panoramic with women photographer
I like the cropping of the second image as a wide image. Now I can’t say which one I prefer.

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