Tuesday 18 October 2011

Final Thoughts

Preparation is essential. It implies you need to understand the brief, research on the techniques to carry out the brief, what is demanded for the photography, and what work is required in Photoshop, in response to the photography to produce the final image.
Once you have the method you can concentrate on the image you wish to produce. Technique will set you free.

The main thing I have learned from shooting the panoramic is the use of space and content and to follow tried and tested techniques.

The main thing I have learned about Photoshop: The editing process relies on the quality of the original images to produce a good panoramic. In Photoshop, being methodical is essential, especially when dealing with a large number of images and a broad range of techniques to produce the final image. Every pixel counts.


I found the whole process very rewarding and interesting. I was pleased that the response to my work was very positive. I enjoyed the opportunity to see other peoples work and to hear their thought on  how and why they created the images they did. I felt inspired by their efforts. I particularly liked Jamie and Liana work both I felt were inventive for different reason and both were different.  

View My Panoramas

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