Saturday 25 February 2012

Time to start

 I have listened to the speech over and over, and in the process I have just let my mind wander. I felt I was on a journey and had the feeling that I was listening to the speech on the radio in a car or on a train and that light flickers a cross your eye throwing up random images not necessary related to the speech you're listen too. I then took a step back I know I can't use a literal interpolation of the speech and have to generate all original images for the project. I have felt in the past that I have been to straight and rigid with the type of images I have generated. I want to move into a looser type of feel and believe this project allows me to move in that direction.
Light and wall 1st shoots
I believe that this journey dream like state must have some structure and narrative. I began to free form images as if I was seeing the movie in my head. I thought about what could have happened from the point after Nelson Mandela is sentence to life in prison. All the thing that may have happen to him and all the things he would not see but went on. The first image in my head was a swinging light and a dirty wall representing the cell and imprisonment. I looked around where I live to find suitable places to shoot, luckily I have and old brick build shed in the garden and felt the wall would be ideal for that image and we have a utility room in the house in need of some redecoration with an old fashion light fitting ideal for the swinging light. I have started.

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