Friday 24 February 2012

Apartheid in South Africa

 I want to briefly give you some information about apartheid in South Africa. As this put Nelson Mandela's speech in to some kind of context. I also feel that it is important regarding what decision I might make when it come to making my video.
Segregation in every area of life
 Apartheid was a system of official racial segregation introduced by the National party after it won the elections in 1948. The rights of the Non White majority were curtailed and the White and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. The Afrikaans being the descendent of the Dutch settlers and the white being the descends of the British and European descendent. Legislation classified people in to four racial groups “Natives”, “Whites”, “Coloureds”, and “Asians”. This has strong overtone with the events that happened in Germany in the 30's and 40's with rise of the Nazi. With introduction of new laws Mixed race marriage were prohibited, people could only live in segregated residential areas. Non white did not have the right to vote. This is only part of the discrimination brought against the non whites, and it is against this back ground that Nelson Mandela and others started at first with non violent protest to try and regain they rights and equality in South Africa.

Source :-Wikipedia

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