Monday 27 February 2012

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

For this piratical brief we only have to produce a standard quality 720 x576 in the class discussion we talked about for this project we could use camera phones or ipads depending on there quality. I don't have a video camera and at this present time don't want in invest in expensive one. Looking around I saw on line a Vivitar 648hd a mere snip at £50 shots in high definition 720p looked and had reasonable reviews.
I have used this camera for this project. In retrospect this camera is ok for fun but any serious filming it's no good for nothing. There is very little control over the exposure and focus. It's impossible to see the screen when filming in strong daylight. At best it only shoots 16 fps. On the plus side it will film up an hour plus video. I remember filming on super 8 as a child and only having 5 mins of filming. If and when I buy a video camera in the future it will have a view finder, a way of adjusting the focus and exposure. As they say you get what you pay for.
The wonderful DVR 648HD

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