Wednesday 22 May 2013

After thoughts

Yet again I think I have learned a lot from doing this project. I feel I know more about illustrator than I ever did before. I feel more comfortable using After Effects. I enjoyed seeing the work of others and sometime thought that was a good idea why did I not think of that. I liked the idea that if at first thing don't work out if you try something good can come out of an unexpected event.  PS I like the work I have produced for this project.


It seems to have been a very long project. I always look forward to Crit This time it was some how different.  Val was able to come in and see our completed work. she felt their should be a few minor tweaks to the video I presented. At the begin there is 10 frames of the still image before it zooms and pans to the clock face. she felt it should start quicker. All the images that are embedded in the segments of the clock should all have the same horizon. When the logo comes out of the last segment it should look like it is embedded in the clock , the same as the other images.
This is the final version submitted version 21
When I submitted the final version of this video. I used generic news music from Garage band as it had the right kind of ending. I also gave two version one with the logo embedded and one with the logo embedded with a red back ground as the example.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Presention of News intro

I had a good class with Chris last Wednesday and showed him my video of the clock faces. He could see that there was a germ of an idea and as we talked about the things he was not so keen on in the video I developed the idea of the clock face showing element of events in Brighton. In the few days before we had another meeting with Val I retouched a high resolution image of the clock face to get rid of the rags combined it with the still image I had taken  down loaded videos from Latest Tv  and placed them on the clock face and created a new video for Val to see.
Clock tower video for presentation 
Val and Kate's response was quite positive. They suggested I remove the sweeping shot at the begin, fill in the rest of the segments. Not have the clock face twist into the logo.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Try and Try again

I had set aside Tuesday the 7th to shoot the clock tower. I got up early caught the train to Brighton took a few shoot of the train station before walking down to the clock tower
and this is what I saw when I got there.
Clock tower
Somebody had cover the Clock tower in rages as part of an art installation this kinda killed my idea there and then. I retired for a coffee and a think I still like the idea of time so I took a long walk to Hove town hall to photograph the clock and any clock i could see on the way. I spent the day photographing as much as I could and then went home to sort out the mess I had now got my self in.
I created this video from the days photography to show my new idea and to see if it was the basis of a good idea.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Another News idea

I have had my doubt about my line of thinking with regard to the video I created for the news idea. I knew it before I even asked the opinion of other. In a nutshell the ideas to messy to much going on I need the idea to be simple. I want the idea to show the passing of time and the day as well as some reference to the area.
One day around the clock tower
I have come up with the idea of filming the clock tower in Brighton through out the day moving round the clock tower as the day passes then putting all the little bits of film to give the feeling of traveling round the clock tower in continuous motion with the whole day passing by. I made a ruff video using images from Google.
Bexhill clock tower work out.
In preparation I have worked out that I need to divide the clock tower in to 18 segments and shoot over 12 hours. I plan to start at 8 am an finish at 8pm. My intention is to shoot 10 seconds of video every hour but shoot one complete circuit. I have had a dummy go with the local clock tower.