Saturday 26 January 2013

Help with thinking

I have been compiling a list from research of the elements that make up a stage production.

  1. Decide which play you are going to perform.
  2. Figure out a budget.
  3. Hold auditions and create your cast.
  4. Set a rehearsal schedule...but always be ready to change it.
  5. Get yourself a stage manager.
  6. Begin with the text.
  7. Costumes, set, vision...Figure it out!
  8. Publicize, publicize, publicize.
  9. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
  10. When it’s time to let go...

As you can see from the above example this list is just a starting place to pin down what elements are needed. I have also under taken a preliminary search for icon to help with my map idea and have found that looking for the icons has helped me think about the list above.


Stage Hand






These icon I have adapted or changed to help with my thought process from example I have found via Google.

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