Monday 21 January 2013

Which brief

After receiving the brief list these where four that I found the most interesting-:

Douwe Egberts coffee.

The key point that struck me upon reading the brief where, They wanted to get the people who drink coffee at work, purchased from well known coffee chains where not drinking coffee at home. They have a 250 years of expertise in making coffee, tradition can be an advantage, it can also make them look old and dated. They want to appeal to the 25+ age group ho fall into the ABC1 category. Who love life, food and travel and will pay for quality.

I ran through a few ideas and thought about a video for a central charterer who had not so happy experience getting coffee in the morning on the way to work, culminating in them having some 'me time' at home drinking Douwe Egberts coffee in a nice airy kitchen in a Victorian house. 


Marriott Hotel & Resorts.

The key points to the brief where they wanted to appeal to technically enabled young, who have a new mind set about work life and travel. Who want to travel with a purpose. Marriotts want touse the idea of traveling to events in Europe. They suggest that their be a minimum of three events. For example a concert in Manchester, An event in Munich, a cultural event in Moscow.

My first thought was for a stylised poster to promote the events in the style of poster from the 20's and 30's displayed in the underground and other trans port links. Also a card which would be in the same style in hotels telling you of up and coming events in other Marriott Hotels around Europe. I soon move on to the idea of an ipod touch or similar device which arrived after you booked your room with all the thing you might need for the city where you where staying, ie maps, tour guide, compass, audio guide if you going to see an exhibition. All pre loaded and the device would act as your room key and control every thing in the room. At the end you could have your photos down loaded after you hand back the device.

Plan UK

The key point to the brief are that Plan UK are a global children’s charity who want to at
sponsorship and money for their program “I am a girl”. Which promotes education for girls in the third world. Their primary audience are women aged 25 to 34 demographic classification of ABC1. Who give to charity but don't think that they are campaigners. Girls have to be show in a positive light.

This appealed to me for altruistic reasons, I though of post with cleaver strap lines. “ because we worth it” and the idea that women in the past help modern women to be what they are now.

The Royal Court Theater

The key points for the brief are to tell the story of the play before its presented on stage, that results in raising interest, enthusiasm and general awareness to their theater audience. The target audience are their existing audience who regularly attend but don't know what else goes on behind the scenes most people that come view themselves as risk takers and want to be in on something at the start.

I can see that The Royal court web site already has lots of information and it the trigger for people to visit their site I think is key. I thought about creating some thing the would stick in people memory so they would think about The Royal Court. I have though of many visual images to say that it take many things from many places before a production is put on.

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