Wednesday 23 November 2011

More Designers

Lewitt & Him

In 1933 Jan Lewitt and George Him set up a design partnership in Warsaw. In 1937 the undertook a commission in England. With the outbreak of the war they stayed. They undertook commission for the Ministry of information , Post office and the Ministry of food. After 1954 the went their separate ways Jan Lewitt into fine art and George Him continued to work on his own as a graphic designer. 

References George Him. Jan Lewitt.

Han Schleger

Along with Lewitt and Him England became Han Schleger adopted country becoming naturalised in 1938. Born in Germany to a jewish family in 1898. He began his career designing publicity material and film sets for the film company Hagenbeck. After working in New york return to Berlin to work for the English advertising agency Crawfords as art director. When Hitler came to power he emigrated to England. Well know for his post WW2 corporate identity designing for ICI, the British sugar corporation, Fisons pest control and John Lewis. During the war he designed poster for London Transport, General post office and government propaganda. In 1954 he set up his own consultancy.

References Hans Schleger

                   Hans Schleger 2

Born Abraham Gamse in Whitechaple London in 1914. His father was a latvian photographer and his mother Sarah a seamstress was born on the boarder of Russia and Poland.When Abram was 12 his father anglicised the family name changing it from Gamse to Games. He left school at the age of 16 and went to St.Martins School of art. Disillusioned by the teaching he left after 2 terms. In 1935 won a poster competition for London City Council. He work between 1936 -40 as a freelance poster artist. From 1942 work as official war artist designing 100 or so posters. His clients included ,Shell,Financial Times Guinness, British airways, ElAl United Nations. He work for over six decades, dyeing in 1996, his work is essentially a record of era social history.

I have also included a more links to two videos.
The first is a short extract talking about Abram work.
The second is  video using Abram images.

 Reference Abram Games

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