Monday 28 November 2011


I enjoyed the crit. I found it very interesting to see the final work of every one in the group. I felt that their citric was very helpful in refining my posters to gain a better finished results. Some of the thing they felt needed to be changed were the toning down some of the colours used on the fonts. Changing the font to a narrower type more in keeping with other works of this designer.  On one other of the poster they felt that it needed a few embellishment to make the image stronger. This included cracks in screen and a kink in the shadow. On reviewing my work I felt that all the changes were for the better. It was good to get input from others in the group this helped to reaffirm and enhance my design decision.
After the style of Tom Eckersley c1947
After the style of Tom Eckersley c1947
After the style of Abram Games c1946

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