Friday 16 May 2014


We been having discussions via Facebook as what next to do. We have arrived at the idea of a bathroom cabinet full of medicine bottles that are rearranged to show the words MAD 4 IT. Maribel said she want to film the video at home and had been looking for a cabinet and bottles. We both managed to source some and in the end she went and got the ones she had seen. On Thursday  after noon on our return trip from London I went through the finer point to the filming with her. Just to be ahead of the game I did a test video and a quick workout with aftereffects to see what it may look like and any filming problem we might encounter.
I email this to the rest of the group. After some more discussion via Facebook, Maribel said she come over and we would us the wooden thing I had got. I e-mail the labels I created based on one I have at home.
Finish Label
 Maribel arrived and together we filmed the labels adding extra shots from our original storyboard. The shot that would be used for the poster. When all was done she took all the filr to assemble into the final video.
Close up of bottles

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