Tuesday 20 May 2014


Yesterday we had a chance to meet up and review what we have done so far. Well watched the video and after the dialog Maribel had on Sunday she had implemented some of the changes I had suggested. Chelsea showed us the A3 poster she had been working on and we changed the position of the text. I made a suggestion about the A4 poster and I would make an image from the photos we had that evening and e-mail everyone.
Comp from 3 photos
All seem to like the idea and Maribel pointed out that the bottle where in different planes. I decided to reshoot them in the morning.
New set of Photos
After the photography I created a new poster with the Satellite font we had wanted to use. I link up with Maribel via Facebook and mad a number of changes culminating in a final Photoshop file that I up loaded to drop box and emailed the link to the rest of the group so they could see what had been done and implement any change they felt where necessary to their copy of the file, so when we meet next we can agree on the final results.
Image and text work out

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