Monday 10 March 2014

Starting point

For this independent project I wanted to highlight some of the new skills that I have gained over the last couple of years. Websites and web design are two such skills. I enjoyed the web project we have undertaken, however I still feel I need to learn more and strengthen my understanding of website and web designs.

I enjoy family history and in resent years I have discovered that an unknown relative had fought and died in World War One.  Walter was the brother of my great grand father and as a child we live with. I was lucky to find an old photo of Walter so I could put a face to the name. I wondered how many others out there where in the same boat, having discovered that they had an old relative and had no idea what they look like. I have no contact with my great grandfather side of the family partly due to distances and also due to time.

With the anniversary of the out break of the First World War I want create a website that put a face to the name of a solder and connects families who have lost contact with each other.

Walter Hunt 1898-1917

Walter Hunt was born in 1898 he joined the Royal Naval Division in June 1917 and died in France on December 30 1917 aged 19.

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