Sunday 20 May 2012

Website presentation

I have found a navigation system that allows the part of my site to float from one point to another. The concept for my portfolio site is of a blue print which is laying on an imaginary table and the navigation glides from one section to another.
Sections of website
At this present moment I have nine section to the website. A welcome or home section, Fuji printer of the year, Royal Opera House, Paper mache artist, Bea Cummings project, my panoramas, Propaganda poster, Web project, Contact and CV. 
I have generated a wire frame to give an indication where the content will go. Each of the section will follow the same patten, however the Background image and the static content could be swapped round to break up the feel of the site.
My navigation will look like a list on a piece of paper and it will float in the bottom left of the page.

I have generated a movie to show how the site will work.

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