Friday 25 May 2012


I have been looking at fonts for my blue print themed site. I want the font to have the feeling of  being hand written.  My initial idea was to go for comic sans ms.
Comic sans ms
During my presentation this is the type face I said I wanted to use. However during discussions in class most people said they did not like this type face. I have since discovered that some people like it and other hate it, so I have looked around for a less controversial type face.

Selection of fonts
As part of the brief we have to use we have to use webfonts from @fontface or Google web fonts. I have looked at more fonts and have chosen  'Shadow into light two'. It has everything I want to convey in a font, it is a hand written style of script. The hand writing is neat and well ordered and is easy to  read. If you look at the last example of script type, 'Cedarville Cursive', I find this harder to read even though it is more like hand writing and that is way I rejected it.

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