Friday 12 October 2012

Style and Inspiration

I have chosen to illustrate the story of my great grand father and his writing. I have been looking at different style. I want to get a way from the stereo type images of northern working men, images that are dark show lots of heavy industries. My initial thoughts of the opening sequence for my animation was a chair and a hat and boots waiting to start the day. I looked at the many pictures of chairs and fount this by Van Gogh.
Van Gogh

Having given more thought about the animated story. James get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to get to the pit for 6 am. He will be walking in the dark and perhaps the rising sun. I have come across Alexander Millar and his paintings of working men.

Alexander Millar
I have found a collection of old photographs of Rotherham and I want to use these as a back drop of my introduction animation. I have converted them to look more like an illustration in Photoshop. 

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